Monday, June 3, 2013

The JOY in Planning!

Today is my First Official Day of Retirement!  I feel like I'm floating high above earth in a hot-air balloon!  Surviving twenty years of nursing has not been easy.  When I got to the point this past January where I thought my job was requiring more of me, both physically and intellectually, than I was willing to give, I thought, "retire!"  Also, I celebrated my 70th birthday this past April 29th, time to give it up!

Last week I dropped in at the AAA office for trip planning.  I gave the representative all the dates and places I wanted to visit during my Celebrate Retirement Tour of the Southeastern United States.  It was pure fun!  Despite the intervening torrential rainstorm interrupting the power briefly, my agent printed out a quite detailed "Trip Tic" for me in a short time. 

My friend, Peggy, will be my travel companion.  Starting out from Lexington, Kentucky, we'll first visit my Daughter #6, Patty & family, in Jacksonville, Florida.  We'll have a side trip to historic St. Augustine.  Then it's off to visit my Brother, Don, and Sister-in-law, Kathleen, in Port St. Lucie.  Peggy and I are planning another side trip to Sarasota.  Next we'll take a scenic route north following the Florida Gulf Coast.

Our destination is Victoria, Texas, to visit our mutual friend, Dorothy. We'll head west from Florida through Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.  New Orleans is a 'must' stop!  Since my Daughter #3, Cathy, and her husband, Ken, recently relocated from Olathe, Kansas, to Austin, Texas, of course, we'll hook up with them.  Peggy, Dorothy, Cathy and I will spend time in San Antonio.  My dearly departed parents, Adeline and Reuben, are buried in Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery.  Peggy was stationed near there when she was in the Air Force and wants very much to see River Walk.

From Victoria, we'll return home via Houston, Texas, to Little Rock, Arkansas, to Nashville, Tennessee, then back to Lexington.  I figure the trip will take approximately three weeks.

Right now my bed is festooned with hanging shirts, pants and one skirt - nearly my entire summer wardrobe.  I like to pack carefully so I don't have to think or search for what I'll be wearing a particular day.  My suitcase is ready.  Laundry will be done later today.  Maps are organized.  A trip to the grocery will provide snacks for the car.

Total distance projected by AAA: 3369.5 miles.  Wow!  After this, I probably won't suffer beach withdrawal for quite a while!

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