Not all travel involves vehicles. My seven-year journey that ended today was one of time. During this period, I served as a weekend nurse in a hospital unit, working 7 a.m. till 7:30 p.m., every Saturday and Sunday, if I was fortunate enough not to work overtime. Thus, I couldn't attend regular weekend Masses at my parish church.
Raised on the importance of the Ten Commandments, I believe that "Keep holy the Lord's Day" means participating at church on Saturday evening or Sunday, renewing one's spirit, not engaging in what is called 'servile' work, namely, work for money. When I first took the weekend job, I came into work at 10 a.m. I went to the early service then directly to work in my uniform. That quickly changed when I had a new boss. Then I had to wrestle with the question, "Should I quit this job so I could go to church every weekend?" I decided that I was too old to get another job. Besides, working only two days a week saved my health! Direct patient care is hard work!
This morning at church was perfect: the greeters were friendly, the morning sun highlighted the colorful stained-glass windows depicting various major saints, the congregation filled the church to capacity, I chatted with old friends afterwards at the reception for a priest leaving for another assignment, the singing was spirited, and I was thrilled at last to be at my own home church on Sunday.
As I listened to the song leader, my thoughts went back to the time I started organ lessons, at age 13, and subsequently began a long history of working as an organist at various churches where I lived. Those involved in music have to, of course, pay close attention to what they are doing even though they are all experienced. That makes it harder to listen to the prayers and sermon. From age 14 to age 50, I spent a total of fifteen years as church organist/pianist, working every weekend.
Then I thought of other years when I worked as a regular nurse working every other weekend, thirteen years. One time, when I worked night shift and attended Sunday morning Mass with daughter #8, Jeannie, I told her, "If I fall asleep, don't wake me unless I snore!" Trust me, she didn't allow this to happen. She was very vigilant and elbowed me as necessary.
Let's count: seven plus fifteen plus thirteen equals thirty-five years - half my life! So, as they say, I've 'paid my dues' in the world of work.
Privileged as I now am to come to and enjoy fully the church service, I thought of all the other singers, musicians, greeters, Eucharistic ministers, proclaimers of the Word, and those who pass the collection baskets who make the Mass go smoothly. As important as that volunteer work is, I will avoid engaging in it on weekends. I must be fully present, for now and perhaps, forever.
My thoughts also drifted to other countries who do not enjoy our hard-won religious freedom. There were more Christian martyrs in the twentieth century than all the other centuries combined since Jesus lived. Christians are persecuted in many areas even today. We Americans need to think we could easily lose this freedom! We must be vigilant!
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