Saturday, June 29, 2013

Reverse Travel: Fun, Too!

Since I'm always blogging about the wonderful people and places to which I travel, thought I'd do an 'about face' and tell of the wonderful folks who came to see me tonight.  I was honored and privileged to be the guest of honor at my Retirement Party!  My daughters, both the in-town and out-of-town ones, planned a fantastic Beach Party at a Lexington, Kentucky, lodge.

The farthest-away travelers were from Seattle, Texas and Boston. It's remarkable how many out-of-town family the Lexington-area relatives can 'absorb' into their homes!  Many friends and family came from Lexington, some from Ohio and plenty from other towns in Kentucky.  Two pals wore grass skirts!  Guests received a lei when they first entered the beach scene and were asked to sign a Guest Book.  Some wore colorful shirts bought in Hawaii, including my son-in-law, Fielding, recently stationed there.

There were groups in several rooms and on the patio.  A bountiful display of finger foods, punch and other beverages was enjoyed by all.  When Theresa, daughter #4, brought out the Beach Cake (really too beautiful to cut!), everyone came out to the patio.  Michael, the second-youngest grandchild there, helped me to cut the cake.

Despite the 'No Presents, Please' request on the invitations, I received many thoughtful greeting cards, several very lovely presents, and some gift cards.  A photographer snapped many photos; when I receive them, I'll post some of them in this blog entry.

If you're invited to a wedding, a party of almost any nature, please make every effort to attend.  I tell you from experience, someone values you enough to invite you!  You will honor them by your presence.  Please don't think that you won't make a difference because there will be a large group.  If you come, you will greatly contribute to the festivities.  If you don't, you WILL be missed!

After I came home tonight, I read each and every card again. I will treasure the fine memories, the stories and jokes exchanged, the friendships renewed and new ones started, the children prancing about and all the beach decorations for the rest of my life!

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