Friday, June 20, 2014

Sunning and Shopping, Sanibel, Friday, Day 7. 6/20/14

Oh, the responsibility of enjoying sun, beach, waves, and pelicans!  I expect that, more than anything, we have enjoyed the antics of the Pelicans.  But they are incredibly hard to photograph.  I've tried to capture them in the tall tree closest to the beach.  It is nearly impossible to catch them over the water.  Only once have I seen them walking on the seashore (not here - at Hilton Head Island).

If you look carefully, you can spot at least four or five Pelicans as they claimed this tree on the day of their Civil War.

More of the Sand Castles, Sanibel Island Beach.

Sunset and Palm Trees, looking west on the beach today.

This Momma Manatee and baby are coming home to be with the other Sea Pets, the Alligator, Lobster, and Sea Horse.

Breakfast at the Island Cow restaurant.

 A big frog on the ceiling of the Island Cow entertains us.

We spent a lovely afternoon yesterday at this museum of shells, one of the finest museums we've ever seen.  We first watched a video of how the sea creatures form and live in and expand their shells, and how they move around.

The Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum.  FYI: the late actor Raymond Burr made a large donation to this.

 A giant squid is suspended from the tall ceiling!

An Octopus!  Both mollusks and invertebrates were displayed from all over the world.

Theresa is ready for the beach while I. . .

 . . . Head off to the Sanibel Island Library to post photos on this blog.

One day's 'catch' of seashells drying after rinsing off the sand, on our lanai.  I particularly like the bi-valves like the large one at the top.

 More plans today include returning to the Island Cow for ice cream, trying to watch the sun set at Bowman's Beach, and going to the Wildlife Reserve.  Will check in with you tomorrow!

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