Monday, June 23, 2014

Home, Sweet Kentucky Home!

Sunday, June 23, 2014:  We were pleased to leave exactly as planned, 8 a.m.  Atlanta traffic was not as congested as we had imagined; it kept moving.  Here are some photos from the past three days.

One of the three boats on Friday.
Beautiful sunset at the Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge, Sanibel Island.

Me/Jan enjoying wading in the warm Gulf of Mexico waters Saturday.

While I've seen many Horse Shoe Crab shells and parts of shells on various beaches, this one was mostly intact (but not alive).

A Father and his small Son spent a long time building this Sand Castle.  They were very proud of their work!

Some days there are as many as FOUR weddings on the shore at Casa Ybel resort, we're told.

Plaque of Jesus and the Little Children at St. Isabel Church, Sanibel Island.

Theresa with the Parrot at Jerry's.  She talked and he listened!

Wouldn't you like to live on the corner of Rabbit Road and Bunny Lane on Sanibel Island!

Last morning photo of the morning sun from the lanai of our Sanibel Island condo.

The following were taken from our 11th floor room, Hilton, Atlanta, Georgia, Sunday evening.

The prettiest sunset we've seen this week, but no beach!

To our left, the CocaCola building.

Across the street, the Turner Broadcasting Company buildings.

There were FIFTEEN lanes of traffic on the street below!

The following were taken on our trip from Atlanta north.  

One of the Great Cities of the World, Atlanta, Georgia, is hilly, clean, and beautiful with flowering bushes of many varieties.  North of the city, the hills turn into mountains (above).

They call them the Blue Ridge Mountains or the Smoky Mountains.  In the summer haze, the mountains do look blue.  This is in the State of Tennessee.  The mountains stretch from southern border with Georgia to northern border with Kentucky on Interstate highway 75.  The valleys are expansive and picturesque.  It is all green and lush.

There was a new statue just before the exit at Ringgold, Georgia: a giant gray mouse eyeing a giant yellow wedge of holey cheese.  At 11:25 a.m. we spot the first sign with arrow pointing to Lexington.  Yay!!!   Before the Caryville, Tennesse, exit, we spot the familiar giant green Dinosaur.  Theresa thinks it is a Dragon.  Since it has little green wings, she's probably right.  We notice it is missing one ear!  I must take a picture of it for you the next time I pass it!

25 miles to Jellico, Tennessee!  We are very excited!  Jellico is the last town before KENTUCKY!!   Now there's the Superstore Fireworks complex with the giraffe, elephant, clown and not one but TWO ferris wheels!  You must see it!

Exit 160 is Jellico, Tennesse!!  At 12:18 p.m.: Whitley County, Welcome to Kentucky, Birthplace of Abraham Lincoln, 1 mile to Welcome Center!  We are tired, it is all business: rest room, peanut butter crackers and back on the road.  We make it home by 3 p.m.

We love our trips, but the farther we go, the more thrilled we are to be HOME!  Tonight we will sleep very, very good!  Unpacking can wait, laundry can wait, we are HOME!

Praise the Lord for keeping us safe on our 2,000 mile trip!

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