Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Family and Pets, Day 14

Tuesday, August 19, 2014:  Today I wanted to take photos of the two family pooches I've so come to enjoy during this vacation, Lily and Dudley.  So we took them to a nice "Dog Park" in nearby Hingham, Massachusetts.  What a perfect, lovely, sunny, cloudless day with a cool breeze we enjoyed today!

The two beautiful, sleek black dogs, Lily, at the top, a Newfoundland mix, and Dudley, a Chow mix, run and run in the large park, over the hills, in the woods, and swim in the nearby harbor.  Mary and Dave brought water for them because they ran so hard!

Nearby, a picturesque marina in a bend of the Weymouth Back River.

Dave with Lily at the top of a hill.  After walking around the shore and paths, Mary and I found a shaded bench and sat for a while enjoying the park, doggie and people interaction.  When we were ready to go home, our dogs couldn't be found!  Dave called and called them, unsuccessfully.  About then he received a call on his phone from a woman in a nearby town; the dogs had apparently jumped over the Dog Park fence, swum across the river, and ended up in her back yard.  Dudley had the phone number on his collar.  The woman kindly put the dogs in her car and brought them to us at the Dog Park.

We passed over this drawbridge, the Four River Bridge, on the way back to Brockton.

The family, Mary, Dave, Michael, and I had a fine dinner at the Stoneforge Grill restaurant.  Then Dave took Dudley to his obedience training (sorely needed!) while Mary, Michael, and I went to Hilliard's for ice cream.

Hilliard's is a fairy-tale ice cream and candy shop!

Guess who are worn out tonight?  (One guess!) Lily and Dudley!

The official (sort of!) portrait: Dudley (left) and Lily, on the back deck.

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