Thursday, November 7, 2013

Israel Extra: The Camel Girl!

There are many sidewalk vendors in Israel.  They are polite and mostly try to get the tourists to buy 'real cashmere' scarves, made in P.R.C. (Peoples Republic of China) for $5 each, or 5 for $20, or a string of postcards.  At one small town, a young vendor called after Theresa, "Marry me and I'll give you a camel!"

After we came out of the church we were touring, we walked by the same vendor, and he called out even louder to Theresa, "Marry me and I'll give you 500 camels!"  Our group chuckled over this and good-naturedly teased Theresa about this for the rest of the trip.  Later, I surprised her with a camel magnet, to make sure she didn't forget about the camels.  Stephanie and David presented her with a beautiful leather camel, in memory of the occasion.

Rami calculated that 500 camels would probably bring in a million dollars.  I reminded Theresa that in the Bible, the parents were given the dowry when their daughter was married, so I should be given the money.  She really didn't like that suggestion and insisted that she would keep the proceeds.

The Bride and Her Camel
 Alas, somewhere in Israel is a sad, disappointed young Arab gentleman!

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