Saturday, November 16, 2013

Back to Rome, Then Home, Sweet Home! (Day 14, Sunday, November 3, 2013)

It is a quick night if you have to get up at 3 a.m. so we can be checked out of our hotel and leave by 4 a.m., but we do it, all of us!  The hotel was kind enough to give us a bag of goodies for breakfast that we could eat in the bus on the road to Rome.  The morning, when the sun rises, is somewhat overcast, and this helps us catnap on the way.

The sun appears for a moment, in the Italian countryside.  I can't sleep: I want to remember every thing I can!
Leaving Rome through customs was a lot quicker than getting in the country, thankfully.  We don't have many minutes to spare, but we easily make our Delta Air Lines flight at 10:15 a.m.  Flight duration: 11 hours, 31 minutes; distance, 5033 miles.  We arrive at Atlanta, Georgia, good ole U.S. of A., at 3:45 p.m.

Our Lexington group is really, really tired but we can make it for just one more flight: Atlanta to Lexington, Kentucky, leaves at 7:42 p.m., gets home to Lexington at 9:02 p.m.  Joy and happiness! We are HOME at last!!  It is night but I look around and enjoy the SPACE!  America, the Beautiful, we have so much SPACE, it is wonderful!  It is good to see family - lots of wonderful hugs!  And, none of our luggage was lost or delayed on this long trip.  Total miles from Rome: 5,338.  It seemed twice as fast as our trip from Lexington to Tel Aviv, Israel.

Oh, the memories, photos (887), and the souvenirs we have brought with us!  But both Theresa and I are worn out, so unpacking will wait till tomorrow.  We praise the Lord for keeping us and everyone with us safe on our Pilgrimage.

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