Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Special Ceremony

Business as usual in the household, first task: get Mallory and Johnny ready for the school bus!:  To start, they get dressed, have breakfast, fix lunches, and this morning: put on winter coats!

Mallory is almost ready. New baby brother, Adi, is watching.

Adi's big brother, Johnny is dressed but not fully awake yet.
Adi's family is from the far-away country of India.  His Mother, Monika, and father, Dakshineshwar, are visiting for several months.  Today we all celebrated their "Chatti" ceremony, an ancient Hindu tradition welcoming a new baby on the sixth day after birth.  Before today, Adi could not have a tub bath nor could he wear new clothes. We all helped get Adi ready for his first bath.  Adi was not happy with this new event!

The warm water and importance of the ceremony did not impress Adi!

Patty and Raj admire their son, Adi, in his new clothes.  Now warm and dry, Adi is happier.
Adi doesn't mind the Grandmas fussing over him.  Left, Monika, right, Jan.

Raj and Patty with Adi, Monika, and Dakshineshwar.  Monika is offering fruit to the new mother, Patty.

From their Temple to their gods, Ganesh, Shiva, Parvati, Lakshmi, Rama, Sita, Lakshman, Hanuman, and Sai Baba in their bedroom, Monika and Dakshineshwar blessed Adi, the new baby, and Patty, the new mother.

Patty is also allowed to wear new clothes on Chatti day.  The magnificent new sari was chosen by Monika and her daughter-in-law, Suprita, from Dubai.

The official family portrait of the properly welcomed baby and new mother, with proud father.
Visiting Adi was friend, Amey.

We went to Mallory and Johnny's school, Mangrove Oak Elementary, to retrieve them at the end of their day.
We enjoyed a quiet evening at home.  Mallory and I drew a picture of what we were going to have on Thanksgiving Day for dinner.

Our next creation showed Christmas Day.  Note: Santa is going UP the chimney!  And now it's bedtime for the children!
Patty and I were pleased to watch a very exciting basketball game of my favorite team: the University of Kentucky Wildcats with another U.K. team, Kansas, opposing them.  Today was busy.  We all will rest well!  Goodnight!

FYI: there are Palmetto Palm trees everywhere in Jacksonville, growing wild, in abundance.  They are the fan-shaped trees.

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