Recently my friend Roseann commented, "Independent is great! I'm proud of you for not being afraid to take off by yourself!" I've never thought much about it but perhaps she's right. However, I put conscious thought into being safe at all times!
There are a few rules I never violate:
1) If you need to stay in a motel or hotel, always stay in one in which your room door exits to the hall, NEVER to the outside! The security is worth paying a little extra.
2) Travel in daytime. Rest stops are safer in daytime. Motel/hotel entrances are safer in daytime. Everywhere is safer in daytime.
3) Car Stuff: Don't let your gas tank go much below the halfway point. You don't want to be desperate enough to have to fill up in a less desirable area. Get your car serviced before you embark on a long trip. Bring basic emergency items with you in the car: device to pump up a tire and one to jump your battery, blanket, extra water, salt if you may encounter ice or snow, a first aid kit. When getting in your car, only open the driver's side, get in, then immediately lock it. If you're pumping gas and waiting to be finished, look around you and notice what's happening. At the gas station when getting ready to pump, take only your keys and credit card with you; lock your door.
4) Always have your cell phone charged and within reach. This cannot be over-emphasized! Take note of phone numbers of law enforcement if posted on a sign when you enter a new state on the road.
5) Women need to dress extremely, I mean perfectly, conservatively. What message does your clothes promote? You don't want anyone to think you are the slightest bit approachable.
6) Always have a little extra money with you. Credit cards are not accepted everywhere, especially in gas stations. Notify your credit card company where you are going, if out-of-state, but especially if going out of the U.S. Be careful where you use them.
7) Let a friend or family know your itinerary. Call, text, or e-mail them when you arrive at your destination. Keep in touch with someone daily, if you're alone.
8) Women should NEVER make eye contact with any man except the essential ones, like hotel clerks and bank tellers! Eye contact with the random male may make him think you may be wanting his attention. Young mothers quickly develop 'the look:' don't even think of bothering me, dude!
9) If approached on the street for directions, always say something like, "I have no idea," even if you know. You don't want to stop and get into a conversation with a stranger,
10) When going to your motel/hotel for the night, get take-out somewhere and eat in your room. Once there, don't go out again. This is NOT the time to be checking out the sights! NEVER, EVER go into a bar by yourself, even if it's in your motel/hotel! Common sense also says: DON'T DRINK WHEN YOU'RE ALONE - EVER!
11) Lastly, walk like you know where you're going, strongly and briskly, confidently. No one will bother you if they think you can run away!
Obviously, I LOVE to travel! You can travel most places by yourself and have fun if you're aware of these few common-sense rules.
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