Monday, May 20, 2013

Goin' to Hawaii!

It's amazing that when you're chatting with folks about where you plan to travel, many have been there and share their experiences.  LOTS have been to Hawaii and EVERYBODY ELSE wants to go there.

My friend and spiritual advisor, Father Gino Donatelli, Jesuit priest, related that "Years ago I was sent to Hawaii to take over a parish.  I was there for 45 days."  He continued, "Of course, you'll go to a luau. . .pineapple is served with everything. . .you'll have to go to a pineapple plantation. . .I got so sick of pineapple. . .the north shore is where the big waves come in; it's quite popular. . .the Hawaiians take small planes to other islands the way we take busses;  they were quite cheap. . .and there's Diamond Head. . ."

I'm booked to stay in the same hotel my dear dad, Reuben, may he rest in peace, stayed in when he was in the Army in World War II, the Royal Hawaiian.  I'll want to visit the war memorial, the Arizona (sunken Navy battleship) in Pearl Harbor.  Father Gino advises, "You'll want to take the boat that drops you off at the shrine - it's a federal park - not the one that just circles the shrine."  And also, "Go see the rain forest."

Can't wait!  Since I can't even remember how old my bathing suit is, think I'll dare to get a new one!

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